Flu Season Is Still Here: What You Need To Know

coldHere’s some good news: This year’s flu season is turning out to be among the mildest on record.

So far in our flu season, which extends roughly from November to April, five deaths have been reported and 925 cases have been confirmed in the United States. At this point in 2015, nearly 40 deaths had been recorded and more than 4,000 cases of the illness were reported, according to the federal department of Health and Human Services.

Even with the relatively low number of cases, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) still recommends flu shots annually for everyone over age six months. The vaccination helps prevent the flu and is especially important for anyone with a damaged immune system or is at higher risk.

The milder flu season is attributed to a warmer-than-normal winter — so far. Officials also report that the vaccinations developed for this year have been a good match with the strains reported in circulation.

But, the CDC also notes that the numbers of flu cases across the country are on the rise — the season typically peaks after the second week of February.

So, it’s still important to take precautions during flu season to stay healthy. Best bets:

  • Get a flu shot! Call 816-923-5800 to make an appointment. You can even call for a same-day visit.
  • Wash your hands! Use soap and water, and wash thoroughly — long enough to sing “Happy Birthday” to yourself. You can also use hand sanitizers in between washings.
  • Avoid contact with people who have flu-like symptoms. If you’re not feeling well, cover your cough and stay away from others to avoid spreading germs. Don’t share your symptoms with schoolmates or your co-workers.
  • Take care of yourself! Get enough sleep, drink plenty of water and liquids, and eat healthy foods. Exercising regularly helps, too.

Let’s do our part to make this the healthiest flu season ever!

Do you have a question about the flu or the getting a flu vaccination? Call us at 816-923-5800 or leave a note in the comment box below.

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